Archive for March 10th, 2009


Pakistan- A year after the “ELECTIONS 2008”

March 10, 2009


Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah said,

                      “There is no power on earth that can undo Pakistan.”

More than a year ago when the first much monitored elections took place in Pakistan on the 18th of February a new wave of happYness went across the country. It cleared the way for PPP (on a sympathy vote), a come back from PML (N) and a winning defeat for PML (Q).  Much of the analyst said that people have given their mandate to PPP and PML (N) and rejected the policies and the government of PML (Q) and Pervez Musharaf. Media was  biased throughout the post elections and it kept the same tone and raised the bar even higher. And on the very first evening after the election results there were chants of “Go Musharaf Go”. 

I dont need to repeat in detail the promises which PPP and PML (N) made before the elections however, I would like to highlight a few of the  important ones.

  1. Reinstating judges
  2. Better economic policies
  3. Roti Kapra Makaan (Food, Clothing and Housing for poor)
  4. A safer and stable Pakistan etc etc etc.

Today i.e. the 10th of March 2009 the main character of judges team is yet to be restored(In my opinion he needs to be taken to trial for the turmoil caused because of him), Pakistan is in an economic turmoil Karachi Stock which was the  biggest and most liquid exchange in Pakistan. It was declared the “Best Performing Stock Market of the World for the year 2002”. had  a market capitalization of Rs. 3,746.203 billion (US$ 56.334 billion) having listed capital of Rs. 705.873 billion (US$ 10.615 billion). and was well above the 12000 index point now stands at only 5000+ points.  General public has become poorer and the over all buying power has fallen by 39% in the past year (according to the survey conducted by World bank). Finally, stability in Pakistan has gone to the worst possible stage (unfortunately). The so called greatest alliance of reconciliation of democratically elected  crooked cream of the crop has once again pushed Pakistan on the back foot of disasters.  This is the Pakistan which voters voted for, media campaigned for, lawyers rallied for and politicians did a deal for? 


In the current setup Pakistan has a dishonest head of state, a disillusioned governance in Punjab, a gloomy government in NWFP, a shaky setup in Balochistan and a fragile coalition in Sindh. The recent disqualification drama of Sharif brothers has plunged the country into new crisis of confrontational politics. The Sharif brothers who in their rule attacked the supreme court of Pakistan in order to throw chief justice Sajjad Ali Shah out, who also directly interfered in Army affairs, gave Taliban a freehand to make bonkers of madrassah and are responsible for ordering killings of 1000’s of youths are today talking about a DEMOCRATIC Pakistan.


The pathetic, politically motivated lawyers movement has damaged the countries justice system even more. If the judges, the lawyers etc were loyal to their profession then Pakistan’s Justice system would have been in a much better state. I know and I assume all Pakistani’s know how justice works in courts and how decision swings the way of money rather than material facts. In my opinion, any lawyer who participates in lawyers movement/ rally etc should be dismantled from his duties and thrown for a life time imprisonment. A new justice system should be given shape, with seperate court’s for women in order to process the cases quickly and effectively. Its time to clear the rubbish black coats out and flush their corrupt systems.

Above are only few of the internal failures. For external failures like drone attacks, Mumbai events and over all foreign policy has been a mega disaster on its own.

Someone said once right“Its only when wishes come true, one tends to realize what they had actually wished for” 


Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah said,

“Yet this is a truth people so easily seem to forget and begin to prize local, sectional or provincial interests above and regardless of the national interests. It naturally pains me to find the curse of provincialism holding sway over any section of Pakistan. Pakistan must be rid of this evil”

In a nutshell, the current political condition of the country is more about power rather than being about reforms for people. Sharif brothers are soo much lost in the greed of power that even after the attacks on the Sri Lankan team they had the cheek to hold a press conference against the government rather than putting their difference aside and standing ONE for Pakistan. I cant believe that people still support them even after the whole drama of them claiming of not signing a deal to go to Saudia, then the claim of signing a deal for 5 years and finally the Saudi evidence of a signed deal of 10 years.

One LOTA Imran Khan cant decide which way to swing, he has now been a part of every possible alliance, from being a supporter of Pervez Musharaf to even brushing shoulders with Qazi Hussain Ahmed. The irresponsible behaviour by the politician is being more and more damaging to Pakistan day by day.

Above this, the media which was awarded freedom by Pervez Musharaf became a concrete enemy of Pervez Musharaf is now trying to criticize the government with him. This tells us that how the balance of attention shifts from one ounce to another withthe passage of time. If only media was sincere , the aware-ness of Pakistani nation would be on a different level.

Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah said,

“We are now all Pakistanis–not Baluchis, Pathans, Sindhis, Bengalis, Punjabis and so on–and as Pakistanis we must feet behave and act, and we should be proud to be known as Pakistanis and nothing else” 

Its still not late for us as a nation to boycott all political parties and opt for a new setup by looking at facts and figures. Its time to use our voice, strength and mindset to change the path of our beloved nation. Its late but its never too late for a change.  These political parties which have always shifted sides based upon their interest have never given us anything and they never will. So lets kick them out  and select our own path of success….

“Yet another awaited coup, yet another lesson and nation will never learn”

Pakistan Paindabad, Pakistan Zindabad


Pakistan in 3008-

March 10, 2009

One of my very good friend sent me this email a while back. First time I read it I couldnt stop laughing and the second time I read it I was of the thought that what if we get there ? .

The “Finish line”. Are we capable enough to make the following possible? Read the following and share your thoughts. Thanks



Pakistan In 3008
Two Top American Executives at IBM, USA

Alex: Hi John. You didn’t come to work yesterday
John: Yeah. I was at the Pakistani Embassy trying to get my visa.
Alex: Oh, really? What happened? I’ve heard that these days they have
become very strict.
John: Yeah, but I managed to get it.
Alex: How long did it take to get it stamped?
John: Man, it was a long queue. Bill Gates was waiting in front of me
and they really gave him a hard time. The poor guy even brought the
property papers for his house in Seattle to show them that he will
return to USA. I went there at 4:00 a.m. to get in the queue and there
were tons of people ahead of me.
Alex: Really? In Pakistan, at the US Embassy it only takes an hour to get visa for U.S.

John: Yeah! But that’s because no one in Pakistan would want to come to
USA, except Americans who have taken Pakistani nationality and want to
bring their kids here.
Alex: So, when are you leaving?
John: As soon as I get my tickets from the company in Pakistan. I’m so
excited. I will be getting a chance to finally fly with the world’s
fastest growing airline, Pakistan International Airlines (PIA). Sort of
dream come true, you know.
Alex: How long are you planning to stay in Pakistan?
John: What do you mean “how long”? I will try and settle in Pakistan. My
company has promised me that they will process my Green Book as soon as
Alex: Really? Man, you’re a lucky one. It’s very difficult to get the
Green Book in Pakistan. Last year my cousin and his family went there on
a tourist visa and they’re not coming back now.
John: Yeah. That’s why I’m planning on marrying a Pakistani girl there
and then sponsoring my parents and my brother and sister from New York
to Pakistan.
Alex: But I hear you can find lots of good American girls in Karachi and
John: Yeah, but I prefer Pakistani girls. They are so much more superior
to our girls, and what great brunette complexion they have!
Alex: What city are you going to?
John: Karachi. The company has an office in downtown Saddar. Yeah, the
salary is good but the cost of living is quite high because of all the
people flocking to this high-tech Mecca.
Alex: I hear the exchange rate is now $100 to a Rupee! That’s just too
much. What about Quetta and Peshawar? What are they like?
John: No idea. But they are cheaper than Karachi, which is the world’s
headquarters for information technology now.
Alex: I hear the quality of life in Pakistan is incredible.
John: Yeah, man. You can buy a BMW for Rs.30,000, and a Mercedes for
less than Rs.45,000. But my dream is to purchase a Suzuki Turbo FX-800
which costs roughly Rs.90,000. But what a sweet design, great curves,
and it purrs to the touch.
Alex: By the way, which company are you gonna work for?
John: Haji Jalal Puttarjee & Bros. Technologies, a pure Pakistani
conglomerate specializing in embedded software.
Alex: Man, you’re so lucky to work for a pure Pakistani company. They
are really intelligent and unlike any American body shops that have
opened their fly-by-night outfits in Pakistan. The Pakistani companies
pay you even when you’re on the bench. My friend, Paul Allen, used his
bench time to visit the Makran Coast, the most gorgeous resort in
Pakistan, I hear.
John: Yeah, man, you’re right. I hope the US learns something from them
and follows in their footsteps. It seems all we do is borrow more and
more money from the Askari Bank.
Alex: How are you going to cope with their language?
John: I’ve been learning Urdu since my school days. I always dreamed
that one day I’ll head for Pakistan ever since my uncle bought me that
T-Shirt from Islamia College. At the Consulate they tested my
proficiency in Urdu and were quite impressed by my score in TOUFL (Test
of Urdu as a Foreign Language).
Alex: Boy! You’re so damn lucky.
John: Yeah. I’ll be travelling in the world’s fastest train, Tezgam,
I’ll be visiting the world’s largest theme park in Changa Manga, and
I’ll be visiting the famous Lollywood where I might meet the sons and
daughters of movie legends like Nadeem, Sultan Rahi, Anjuman, Reema and
the gorgeous of all, Madam Babra Sharif.
Alex: You know, the Pakistani President is scheduled to visit USA next
year and I hear that he may increase the number of employment visas.
John: That’s very true. Last month, their Labour Minister, Naswar Khan
Pakhtoon, visited the White House and donated Rs.20,000 for the
re-development of the World Trade Centre at Silicon Valley, and has
promised more if we follow the models of the fast developing high-tech
cities, Gujranwalla and Raiwind. Bill Gates was lucky to have a chance
to meet him. Very lucky person.
Alex: Will you be calling on Dave? I hear that he has made it big there
and has a beautiful house on the Lyari River in Karachi.
John: Yeah, I’ll be meeting him.
Alex: Anyway, nice chatting to you, John. Good luck, you lucky guy.
John: Yeah, and the same to you,
Alex. By the way, don’t ever go to the Pakistani Consulate in
shalwar-kameez because they will think you’re too Pakistanised and may
doubt that you will ever come back, and your application will be
rejected. And yes, don’t forget to say to the Visa Officer politely:
“As’salam-o-Alaikum, aap kaisay hain?” It will show them you’re a
cultured person.
See what u think of this people…..Dont forget to say INSHALLAH after